Note: Question tag is used by all sentences. If the sentence is positive so the question taq is            negative and vice versa

The usage of question tag:
a)            If the sentence is positive , so the question tag should be negative
Example: I am a student, aren’t I? Bukan………, am not I?
                You are a teacher, aren’t you?
                She came late yesterday, didn’t she?
                He had done it, hadn’t he?
b)            If the sentence is negative, so the question taq should be positive
Example: You are not student, are you?
                Your friends didn’t come here, did they?
                He hasn’t darling, has he?
                I was born on November, wasn’t I?
Ø   There are adverbs that mean negative in sentences and positive in question tag
      Such as:
·         Few                 : Sedikit
·         Little                : Sedikit / kecil
·         Seldom            : Jarang
·         Scarcely          : Hampir tidak
·         Rarely              : Jarang
·         Never               : Tak pernah
·         Hardly             : Jarang
Example: He has never been in Bali, has he?
                            He seldom meets her, does he?
                            She scarcely knew truth, did she?

      But: A few and A little mean positive in sentences and negative in question tag
                  Example: A few people knew the story, didn’t they?
                                  A little progress has been made, hasn’t it?

Ø   For subject There, In Question Tag is only repeated again
      Example: There are many students in the class, aren’t there?
                      There is a pen on the table, isn’t there?

Ø   For Command and Request usually use Will / Shall and it doesn’t be a matter whether it means negative or positive
Example: Let’s go, will you?
                      Let’s go, shall we?
                      Don’t be sad, will you?
                      Pass me the salt, will you?
                      Don’t fight, shall we?
Ø   The answer from question tag:
v  If the sentence means true so the answer is yes
Example: She is beautiful, isn’t she? Yes, she is
                You can speak English, can’t you? Yes, I can
v  If the sentence means not true / wrong so the answer is no
            Example: She is not beautiful, is she? No, she is not
                            You can’t speak English, can you? No, I can’t

Note: How to give question tag to modals / auxiliaries that abbreviate the subjects
                  She’d go to Surabaya, wouldn’t she?
Ø  She would go to Surabaya, wouldn’t she?
He’d gone to Surabaya, hadn’t he?
Ø  He had gone to Surabaya, hadn’t he?
            She’s cleaning my room, isn’t she?
Ø  She is cleaning my room, isn’t she?
He’s visited me in the Hospital, hasn’t he?
Ø  He has visited me in the Hospital, hasn’t he?

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