Elliptical Structure adalah bentuk kalimat majemuk gabungan setara, terjadinya penghilangan  bagian predikat yang sama dari suatu kalimat

  1. Gabungan Setara
Gabungan setara menggunakan kata hubung “AND”
Gabungan setara dibagi menjadi 2:
a.      Positive
TOO ang SO digunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat positif. Untuk mudahnya kita jadikan kalimat dalam 2 golongan:

Has Auxilary 
S1 + Auxilary + Verb + and + S2 + Auxilary + Too
S1 + Auxilary + Verb + and + So + Auxilary + S2
                        My sister will be interested in reading this book
                        My brother will be interested in reading this book
Ø   My sister will be interested in reading
                        This book and my brother will too
Ø   My sister will be interested in reading
                        This book and so will my brother

                        Ningrum is pretty
                        Suryani is pretty
Ø   Ningrum is pretty and Suryani is too
Ø   Ningrum is pretty and so is Suryani
                        I can go and beat them
                        You can go and beat them
Ø   I can go and beat them and you can too
Ø   I can go and beat them and so can you

Has no Auxilary
S1 + V1 + and + S2 + do / does + too
S1 + V1 + and + S2 + do / does + too

S1 + V1 + and + S2 + Did + too
S1 + V1 + and + So + Did + S2

                                    Your sister likes bananas
                                    I like bananas
Ø  Your sister likes banans and I do too
Ø  Your sister likes banans and so do I
The workers often come late
The Chairman often comes late
Ø  The workers often come late and the Chairman does too
Ø  The workers often come late and so does the Chairman
I cleaned this room yesterday
Asih cleaned this room yesterday
Ø  I cleaned this room yesterday and Asih did too
Ø  I cleaned this room yesterday and so did Asih
b.      Negative
Either and Neither digunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat negative

S1 + Auxilary not + Verb + and + S2 + Auxilary not + Either
S1 + Auxilary not + Verb + and + Neither+ Auxilary + S2

Note: Neither = not either, oleh karena itu setelah auxiliary tidak disertai “NOT” lagi
                        She couldn’t say anything
                        I couldn’t say anything
Ø  She couldn’t say anything and I couldn’t either
Ø  She couldn’t say anything and neither could I
            You didn’t see the accident
            Dodo didn’t see the accident
Ø  You didn’t see the accident and Dodo didn’t either
Ø  You didn’t see the accident and neither did Dodo
Yane’s mother can’t cook Italian food
Doni’s mother can’t cook Italian food
Ø  Yane’s mother can’t cook Italian food and Doni’s mother can’t either
Ø  Yane’s mother can’t cook Italian food and neither can Doni’s mother
  1. Gabungan setara berlainan
S1 + V1 + But / while + S2 + do / does not
S1 + V2 + but / while + S2 + did not
S1 + Auxiliary (verb) + But / while + S2 + Auxilary not
S1 + Auxilary not (verb) + But / While + S2 + auxilary

Example: He always drinks a cup of coffee but I don’t
                You went out lost night but she didn’t
                Your father can speak English while my father can’t
                His brother doesn’t send a massage but his sister does
Note: Pernyataan yang mengandung kata = Never, Rarely, Barely, Hardly, Few, Little, dianggap berpengertian negative

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