Direct speech adalah kutipan asli suatu pembicaraan tanpa adanya suatu perubahan. Penulisan direct speech selalu diapit oleh tanda kutip, kalimat selalu diawali huruf capital. Tanda titik dua (: ) atau koma (,) diletakkan sebelum direct speech bilamana kata penghubung atau pelapor (reporting verb) nya berada dimuka dan tanda koma (,) harus diletakkan setelah atau diantara direct speechnya. Tanda baca seperti tanda seru (!), tanda Tanya (?) yang menunjukkan jenis kalimat direct tidak mengalami perubahan.

·         She yelled at me: “Don’t leave the door open!”
·         My mother says to my sister: “Brush your teeth!”
·         “Where are you going?” she asked.

Indirect speech adalah bentuk kalimat laporan yang menceritakan kembali pembicaraan / pendapat seseorang yang telah mengalami modifikasi tertentu.

Ø    Terdapat 3 jenis indirect speech:
a.      Imperatif (Perintah / permintaan)
Yang dilaporkan yaitu berbentuk perintah. Kalimat perintah tidak mengenal subjek, maka verb dalam direct imperative tidak mengalami perubahan. Verb dalam indirect menjadi “to infinitive”.
Ø   Positive imperative:
·         He said, “Go away!”               He told me to go away
·         “Come here!” he said              She asked me to come there
·         I said, “Be quite!”                   I told them to be quite.

Ø   Negative imperative:
·         He said, “Don’t go away!”           He warned me not to go away
·         “Don’t come here!” she said           She asked me not to come here
·               I said, “Don’t be noisy!”           I told the children not to be noisy
b.      Declarative (pernyataan)
Kalimat laporan dari suatu pernyataan mengalami beberapa parubahan, antara lain:

Ø   Pronoun dan possessive adjective
Direct                  Indirect
    I                        He / She
 You                     me / he / she / them / I / him / her
  My                      His / her
 Our                      Their / our           
 Your                     My / his / her

Ø  Keterangan waktu dan tempat
Direct                                 Indirect
  Now                              Then        
  Today                            That day
  Tomorrow                     The next day    
                                         The day after
                                                                    The following day
                                                                    A day later
                             Next…...                         the……..after
                                                                    The following
                             Last……                        The……before
                                                                    The previous……
                                                                     The preceding
                             …..ago                            ……..before
                            Yesterday                        The preceding day
                                                                    The day before
                                                                    The previous day
                            The day before yesterday                    two days before
                            Here                                                     There
                            This                                                      That
                            These                                                    Those

Direct                                                              Indirect
Present simple (V1)                                         Past simple (V2)
Present continuous (is, am)                             Past continuous (was)
Present continuous (are)                                  Past continuous (were)
Present perfect (have/has)                               Past perfect (had)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been)    Past perfect continuous (had been)
Future simple (will/shall/can)                          Past future (would/should)
Future continuous (will be/shall be/can be)     Past future continuous (would be/Should be/could be)
Future perfect (will have/shall have)               Past future perfect (would have/Should have)
Future perfect continuous (will have              Past future perfect continuous
been/shall have been)                                      (would have been/should have been)
Past simple (V2)                                              Past perfect (Had V3)
Past continuous (was, were)                           Past perfect continuous (Had been)
Past perfect (had V3)                                      Past perfect (had V3)

Ø  Perubahan-perubahan lainnya:

Direct                                                     Indirect
      Anto: “I will study now”                    Anto said that he would study then
      Jimmy: “I love you”                            Jimmy said that he loved me
      Father: “I was sick yesterday”            Father told that he had been sick the day before
c.       Interrogative (pertanyaan)
Bentuk interrogative (pertanyaan) dibagi menjadi 2:
1.      Berawalan auxiliary
Apabila pertanyaan dimulai dengan auxiliary, yang hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes / no, maka dalam hal ini dipakai kata penghubung IF atau WHETHER dalam indirectnya. Kalimat Tanya indirect ini pertama-tama diubah ke dalam bentuk pernyataan (statement), lalu diperlukan perubahan seperti pada pola statement (pernyataan).

Direct                                                              Indirect
Doni: “May I borrow your pen?”
            diubah menjadi
I may borrow your pen                                   Doni asked if / whether he might borrow my pen
Santi: “Are you my friend?”
            diubah menjadi
You are my friend                                           Santi asked if / whether I was her friend
Doctor: “Do you usually take a nap?”                                                            diubah menjadi
You usually take a nap                                    Doctor asks if / whether I usually took a nap
2.      Berawalan question word (kata Tanya)
Dalam pertanyaan yang menggunakan question word, maka question word (how, when, where, why, who, which, what) dalam indirect speech berfungsi tipe ini sama dengan langkah bentuk satu diatas: Pertama-tana bentuk kalimat Tanya ini diubah kedalam bentuk pernyataan, lalu diperlakukan perubahan seperti pada pola pernyataan (statement). Namun dalam hal ini, posisi If / WHETHER digantikan dengan question word dari bentuk directnya

Direct                                                                          Indirect
 Intan: “How do you spell your name?                      
             Diubah menjadi
You spell your name                                       Intan asked how I spelt my name
Yusuf: “When can you get the money?
             Diubah menjadi
 I can get the money                           Yusuf asked when I  could get the money

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diingat ketika mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung untuk kalimat berita ( statements ):
Jika reporting verb direct speech dalam bentuk simple present, present perfect, atau future tense, maka tense kata kerja dalam indirect speech tidak berubah, misalnya:
Direct Speech             : Simple Present  : She says, “I am hungry.”
                                                                    Steven says,”I am reading a novel.”
                                      Present Perfect : He has said,”I am sleeping.”
                                      Future Tense     : He will say,”You are wrong.”
Indirect Speech          : Simple Present : She says that she is hungry
                                                                   Steven says that he is reading a novel
                                      Present Perfect  : He has said that he is sleeping
                                      Future tense       : He will tell you that you are wrong

Bentuk ini umumnya digunakan dalam melaporkan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang sedang berlangsungatau kalau kita sedang membaca sebuah buku atau surat dan melaporkan apa yang dikatakan didalamnya. Perhatikan bahwa reporting verb tell atau told selalu diikuti oleh objek seperti you, me, him, her, us, them, atau nama diri seperti Peter, Mary, atau nama diri lainnya.

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