Baik untuk yang satu suku kata / lebih dari dua suku kata sama-sama menggunakan cara yang sama

Someone / something + Tobe (Am, is, are) + As adjective As + O
·         Rina is as beautiful as Rita
                                     adj > 2 suku kata
·         Rina is as tall as Rita
                               Adj 1 suku kata
·         Today’s news is as simple as yesterday’s news

a)      Untuk kata sifat (Adjective) yang terdiri hanya 1 suku kata

Positive degrees
Comparative degrees
Superlative degrees
As short as
As high as
As cheap as
As fast as
As thick as
As wise as
Shorter than
Higher than
Cheaper than
Faster than
Thicker than
Wiser than
The shortest
The highest
The cheapest
The fastest
The thickest
The wisest

b)      Huruf consonant terakhir harus di dobel / digandakan jika sebelumnya didahului oleh vocal yang mendapat tekanan suara:

Positive degrees
Comparative degrees
Superlative degrees
As big as
As wet as
As thin as
As hot as
Bigger than
Wetter than
Thinner than
Hotter than
The biggest
The wettest
The thinnest
The hottest
c)      Kata sifat yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata, tapi tekanan suara jatuh terakhir / tidak disesuaikan maka hanya ditambah -ER dan –EST.

Positive degrees
Comparative degrees
Superlative degrees
As polite as
As severe as
As sincere as
Politer than
Severer than
Sincerer than
The politest
The severest
The Sincerest

d) Kata sifat yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata dan diakhiri huruf “Y”, maka diganti menjadi “I” dan ditambah –ER atau –EST.

·         As heavy as          Heavier than                The heaviest
·         As lazy as             Lazier than                  The laziest
·         As crazy as           Crazier than                 The craziest
·         As pretty as          Prettier than                The prettiest

d)     Adjective beberapa kata sifat yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata tetapi tekanan suara jatuh pada suku awal. Maka untuk tingkat lebih dan paling di tambah “More”and”Most “.

·         As famous as                    More famous than       The most famous
·         As difficult as                   More difficult than      The most difficult

e)      Untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari 3 suku kata selalu ditambah “More” dan tingkat paling dengan “Most”

·         As beautiful as     More beautiful than                The most beautiful
·         As difficult as      More difficult than                 The most difficult      
·         As important as    More important than               The most important

f)       Perbandingan kata keterangan (Comparative adverbs)
Adverbs juga mempunyai bentuk perbandingan lebih untuk membandingkan 2 aksi kata kerja dan bentuk perbandingan paling untuk membandingkan 3 atau lebih aksi kata kerja.
·         We finished the test more rapidly than mark
We finished the test the most rapidly of all
·         We finished the test less rapidly than mark
We finished the test the least rapidly of all
·         We finished the test faster than mark
We finished the test the fastest of all
Kata sifat (Adjectives) atau kata keterangan (Adverbs) yang tingkat perbandingannya paling.

a)      Terdiri dari 1 suku kata dalam bentuk kata sifat
Example: - Rina is the tallest of all
          - Rian is the biggest of all
b)  Terdiri dari 2 / 3 suku kata dalam bentuk kata sifat
Example: - Bani is the most handsome in the class
          - English is the most important of all
c) Terdiri dari 1 suku kata / lebih dari 2 suku kata dalam bentuk kata keterangan (adverbs)
·         I wish we could see each other more frequently
·         My chemicals  react more quickly in acid solution
·         This train always leaves later than the time on the schedule

NOTE: Remember that some very common adjectives have irregular forms. Some of them are    listed here for exception.

Positive degrees
Comparative degrees
Superlative degrees
As bad as
As far as

As good as
As little as
As many as
As much as
As well as
As ill as
As late as
Worse than
Farther than (Jarak)
Furtherthan (Informasi)
Better than
Less than
More than
More than
Better than
Worse than
Later than
The worst
The farthest
The furthest
The best
The least
The most
The most
The best
The worst
The last

  • This ice cream is better than the other brands
  • The lab is farther from the bus stop than the library
  • Please give me sugar than you did  last time
  • The worst accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the north Freeway       
  • The children can see as many as twenty five baby animals in the nursery at the Zoo

Some two-syllable adjectives use –er/the -est or more/the most,namely;
1.       Able             abler/more able                               the ablest/the most able
2.       Angry           angrier/more angry                        the angriest/the most angry
3.       Clever          cleverer/more clever                     the cleverest/the most clever
4.       Common    commonner/more common       the commonnest/the most common
5.       Cruel            crueler/more cruel                          the cruelest/the most cruel
6.       Friendly      friendlier/more friendly                                the friendliest/the most friendly
7.       Gentle         gentler/more gentle                      the gentlest/the most gentle
8.       Handsome handsomer/more handsome     thehangsomest/the most handsome
9.       Narrow       narrower/more narrow                                the narrowest/the most narrow
10.   Pleasant     pleasanter/more pleasant           the pleasantest/the most pleasant
11.   Polite           politer/more polite                         the politest/the most polite
12.   Quiet           quiter/more quiet                           the quitest/the most quiet
13.   Simple         simpler/more simple                      the simplest/the most simple
14.   Sour             sourer/more sour                            the sourest/the most sour

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