How To Make Virgin Coconut Oil Using The Wet Mill Method

How To Make Virgin Coconut Oil Using The Wet Mill Method
     1.    Split a coconut with a sharp cleaver. Use a mature, brown coconut, rather than a young green one.
  1. Scrape the meat of the coconut from the shell. Use a coconut scraper, sharp pairing knife or a sturdy metal spoon. *Removing the meat is tricky. A butter knife is much better than a sharp pairing knife. You can slide it in between the meat and the shell and 'pop' pieces off, rather than slip, and cut your hand. 
  2. Cut the coconut meat into small pieces or shred the coconut flesh with the scraper.
  3. Place the pieces into a food processor.
  4. Turn on the food processor to a medium speed and blend until well shredded.Add a little water to help it blend if necessary.
  5. Filter the coconut milk. Put a coffee filter or cheesecloth over a wide-mouth jar. Pour or spoon a small amount of the coconut mixture onto the cloth. Wrap the cloth around the coconut mixture and squeeze the milk into the jar.
Squeeze hard, to make sure you get every last drop.
Repeat this process until all of the coconut mixture has been used.
 7.    Leave the jar unattended for at least 24 hours. As it sets, the coconut milk and oil will separate and a layer of curd will appear at the top of the jar.
Refrigerate the jar so the curd hardens more quickly if you'd like.
If you'd prefer not to refrigerate it, leave the jar in a cool room.
8.    Scoop out the curd with a spoon and discard it. The pure virgin coconut oil is left in the jar.



Preposition (kata dpan) adalah suatu kata yang digunakan sebelum kata benda. Kata depan ini termasuk kat-kata yang dikecualikan (Exceptional words), maksudnya bila kat-kat ini digunakan dengan kata kerja maka kata kerjanya harus dalam bentuk “Ing” atau dalam bentuk “Gerund” dan arti kata kerjanya tidak berubah dan apabila kata-kata ini diikuti subjek maka setelah subjek harus diikuti verb (kata kerja bentuk 1) bukan “Gerund”

With                = Dengan
In                     = Di dalam
About              = Tentang
From                = Dari
After               = Setelah
Before             = Sebelum
Without           = Tanpa
Because of      = Disebabkan
While               = Sewaktu
By                   = Melalui / Dengan cara
For                   = Untuk / atas

  • I shall go home after learning English
      I shall go home after I learn English
  • While learning, I don’t want to play
While I learn, I don’t want to play
  • I don’t want  play while praying
I don’t want to play while I pray
  • Without studying, we can’t read well
  • We need more drills in pronouncing English

a.       Place (In, on, at)
Remember that in, on, and at have similar meanings, but they are used with different kinds of places. In general, in used before large places, on is used before middle – size places, and at is used before numbers in addresses. Finally, in is used again before very small places.

            IN Country      ON Street                  AT Number                IN A corner
     State                    Street corner                                           (of a room)
                 Province              Coast                                                      a room
                 County                River                                                      a building
                 City                                 A ship                                                     a park
                                             A train                                                    a car
                                             A plane                                                   a boat

·         We live in the United States in North Carolina in Jacksonville
·         Is Domino’s pizza on Tenth Street?
·         We are going to stay overnight in Chicago

b.      Time (in, on, at)
Remember that in, on, at have similar meanings, but they are used with different times. In general, in is used before large units of time, on is used before middle- sized units of time, and at is used before numbers in clock time. Idiomatic phrases such ass in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at noon, must be learned in individually like vocabulary, avoid using in before days and dates.
In Year                        On Day                                   At Time
     Month                          Date
·         Lily was born in 1919 in December on Sunday at 7.00
·         I would rather take classes in the afternoon
·         The graduation is on May 20
·         The rainy season begins in July
·         Gloria has a part time job at night

·         We came to the United States in 1987

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