Adjectives ending in ED and ING

English Grammar Notes

There are many adjectives that we have in English that end in -ED or -ING.
Yes, that's correct, they are not only endings that we use for verbs!
An adjective that ends in -ING is used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation.
An adjective that ends in -ED is used to describe: a feeling (or how a person feels) or an emotion. It is used to describe a temporary thing. Since only people (and some animals) have feelings, -ed adjectives cannot be used to describe an object or situation.
Compare the difference:
  • My girlfriend is bored. - (My girlfriend feels bored)
  • My girlfriend is boring. - (My girlfriend is a boring person)
You can use these adjectives to describe people or situations but be careful that you are using the correct adjective. For example, there is a big difference in meaning between:
  • I am confused. - (I don't understand something)
  • I am confusing. - (I will cause you to be confused)
Note that the sentences below are to highlight the difference between the two types of adjectives. They are NOT common to do or say because they sound repetitive.
  • I was shocked by how shocking the accident was last night.
  • They were frightened by the frightening roller-coaster ride!
  • I am annoyed by how annoying that person in front of us is.
  • Sally was confused by the confusing street signs in the city.

Example sentences of adjectives ending in -ED and -ING

  • This grammar lesson is boring. I am bored reading all about these grammar rules.
  • I am tired right now. My flight was tiring (because it was a twelve-hour flight).
  • Public toilets are usually disgusting. I am disgusted by the smell in some of them.
  • Your speech was very inspiring. I am now inspired to do wonderful things with my life.
Also see our article about the Pronunciation of words ending in -ED.

Summary chart

Adjectives ending in ED and ING in English 

List of Adjectives ending in -ED and -ING

There is quite a long list of adjectives ending in -ED and -ING in English, and most of them are based on a verb that can be changed into an adjective by adding either -ED or -ING.
Some of the more common ones include:
  • Alarmed - Alarming
  • Aggravated - Aggravating
  • Amused - Amusing
  • Annoyed - Annoying
  • Astonished - Astonishing
  • Astounded - Astounding
  • Bored - Boring
  • Captivated - Captivating
  • Challenged - Challenging
  • Charmed - Charming
  • Comforted - Comforting
  • Confused - Confusing
  • Convinced - Convincing
  • Depressed - Depressing
  • Disappointed - Disappointing
  • Discouraged - Discouraging
  • Disgusted - Disgusting
  • Distressed - Distressing
  • Disturbed - Disturbing
  • Embarrassed - Embarrassing
  • Encouraged - Encouraging
  • Entertained - Entertaining
  • Excited - Exciting
  • Exhausted - Exhausting
  • Fascinated - Fascinating
  • Frightened - Frightening
  • Frustrated - Frustrating
  • Fulfilled - Fulfilling
  • Gratified - Gratifying
  • Inspired - Inspiring
  • Insulted - Insulting
  • Interested - Interesting
  • Moved - Moving
  • Overwhelmed - Overwhelming
  • Perplexed - Perplexing
  • Pleased - Pleasing
  • Relaxed - Relaxing
  • Relieved - Relieving
  • Satisfied - Satisfying
  • Shocked - Shocking
  • Sickened - Sickening
  • Soothed - Soothing
  • Surprised - Surprising
  • Tempted - Tempting
  • Terrified - Terrifying
  • Threatened - Threatening
  • Thrilled - Thrilling
  • Tired - Tiring
  • Touched - Touching
  • Troubled - Troubling
  • Unsettled - Unsettling
  • Worried - Worrying


Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Past 

Pengertian Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau. Pada simple past tense, waktu kejadian (yesterday, last two days, last year) atau periode waktunya (for two months, for a day, for an hour) dapat disebutkan secara spesifik.
Rumus Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense dibentuk dari verb-2 (past tense) atau linking verb “be” (was, were). Apa itu verb-2? Verb-2 merupakan bare infinitive (bentuk dasar verb) dengan tambahan -ed-en-d-t-n, atau -ne untuk regular verb atau bentuk yang tidak konsisten pada irregular verb. [Baca juga: Regular dan Irregular Verb]
Was yang merupakan singular verb digunakan pada singular subject (seperti: Isheheit,Andi, dan the cat) kecuali “you”, sebaliknya were yang merupakan plural verb digunakan pada plural subject (seperti: youtheyweAndi and Susi, dan the cats). [Baca juga:Subject-Verb Agreement]
Berikut rumus simple past tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.
Jenis KalimatRumusContoh Simple Past Tense
positif (+)S + Verb-2 (past tense)
S + be(was/were)
The teacher came
I was a stamp collector
negatif (-)S + did + not + bare infinitive
S + be(was/were) + not
The teacher didn’t come
I wasn’t a stamp collector
interogatif (?)Did + S + bare infinitive
be(was/were) + S
Did the teacher come
Was I a stamp collector

Beberapa Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense

FungsiContoh kalimat Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense untuk membicarakan aksi yang terjadi dengan durasi waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Preposition “for” dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan periode waktu kejadian.Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo three months ago.
(Saya dan Vina pergi Ragunan tiga bulan lalu.)
Did he come on time yesterday?
(Apakah dia datang tepat waktu kemarin?)
The party started at 10.00 a.m.
(Pesta mulai jam sepuluh pagi.)
Did you sleep enough last night?
(Apa kamu cukup tidur semalam?)
studied civil engineering for almost 4 years.
(Saya belajar teknik sipil selama hampir 4 tahun.)
Simple past tense untuk membicarakan kebiasaan pada masa lampau. Subordinate conjunction “when” biasanya digunakan pada situasi ini.I often did exercises in the gym when I lived in Bandung.
(Saya sering berlatih di gym ketika tinggal di Bandung.)
When I was a senior high school student, I always got upat 4 am to study.
(Ketika saya sma, saya selalu bangun jam 4 pagi untuk belajar.)
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada aksi berdurasi pendek (simple past tense) yang terjadi ketika suatu aksi berdurasi panjang (past continuous tense) sedang berlangsung.I was reading a journal in the library when someoneburped out loud.
(Saya sedang membaca jurnal di perpustakaan ketika seseorang bersendawa keras.)
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu aksi (simple past tense) langsung mengikuti aksi yang telah selesai (past perfect tense).I had already finished my breakfast when he picked meup.
(Saya telah selesai sarapan ketika dia menjemput.)
Simple past tense digunakan padaconditional sentence type 2.If she studied hard, she would be pass.
(Jika dia belajar keras, dia akan lulus.)
would buy a sport car if I had much money.
(Saya akan membeli mobil sport jika punya uang banyak.)

FATIMATUS SUHROH Presentasi Video Digital SEAMOLEC Batch 5


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