International Proceeding Conference in iNELTAL (International English Language Teachers and Lecturers)



Fatimatus Suhroh

Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstract: In education, being creative teachers are much suggested. There are many creative teachers’ projects gotten from MOOCs. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) is an online course designed to enable unlimited participation and free internet access. It is provided by SEAMEO SEAMOLEC (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) Regional Open Learning Center. It gives many beneficial developments not only for teachers and lecturers but also for some practitioners. There are 15 SEAMEO SEAMOLEC alumni who are involved in these MOOCs throughout Indonesia. Following the completion of the creative teachers’ projects: they were elicited on three criteria: SEAMEO SEAMOLEC online training, creative teachers’ projects from MOOCs, and teaching and learning activities based on projects. The findings demonstrated that by attending MOOCs, the SEAMEO SEAMOLEC alumni were helped in developing their teaching and learning activities. They also thought that by the sustainability of SEAMEO SEAMOLEC online training, it will enhance their competence to be creative teachers and capable to implement online teaching and learning activities.

Keywords: creative teachers, creative teachers’ projects, MOOCs, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC

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National Publication Article in JPtpp (Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan)


The Perspective of Indonesian Teachers

on the Google Classroom Usage

in Blended Teaching

Fatimatus Suhroh

Graduate of English Language Teaching, Universitas Negeri Malang


Abstract: Google Classroom is a kind of platform that teachers and students have come to know about. One of the learning processes achieved with google classroom is to blend the style of learning. Blended teaching is one of the teaching processes which is done not only inside the class (offline) but also outside the class (online). The study aims to impose the perspective of Indonesian teachers on the usage of Google Classroom. The study is performed through a qualitative research design. The sample of the study, which uses a survey method through a google form, consisting of forty teachers throughout Indonesia who have administered Google Classroom in their classroom for at least one semester. The data acquired has been put through a comprehensive analysis by categorizing and highlighting the data. The findings showed that almost all the teachers used blended teaching and it had three of the most beneficial usage which is accessibility, as a means of communication and data analysis. The significant challenges on the usage of Google Classroom were in the internet connection and online submitted assignments. They assumed that the overall highlights on Google Classroom usage can be effective and improved for future features.


Abstrak: Google Classroom adalah sebuah platform yang banyak diketahui oleh para guru dan siswa. Salah satu proses pembelajaran yang dicapai dengan google classroom adalah untuk memadukan gaya belajar. Pembelajaran campuran (blended learning)  adalah salah satu proses pengajaran yang dilakukan tidak hanya di dalam kelas (offline) tetapi juga di luar kelas (online). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif guru Indonesia tentang penggunaan Google Classroom. Penelitian dilakukan melalui desain penelitian kualitatif. Sampel penelitian, yang menggunakan metode survei menggunakan google formulir, terdiri dari empat puluh guru di seluruh Indonesia yang telah menerapkan Google Classroom di kelas mereka selama setidaknya satu semester. Data yang diperoleh telah dimasukkan melalui analisis yang komprehensif dengan mengategorikan dan menganalisis pokok data. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua guru menggunakan pengajaran campuran dan memiliki tiga penggunaan yang paling bermanfaat yaitu aksesibilitas, sebagai sarana komunikasi dan analisis data. Tantangan yang signifikan dalam penggunaan Google Classroom adalah dalam koneksi internet dan penugasan yang dikirimkan secara online. Mereka berasumsi bahwa sorotan keseluruhan pada penggunaan Google Classroom dapat efektif dan ditingkatkan untuk fitur di masa depan.

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International Publication Article in AWEJ (Arab World English Journal)


Effect of Using Whiteboard Animation in Project-Based Learning on Indonesian EFL Students’ English Presentation Skills across Creativity Levels


Fatimatus Suhroh

Graduate Program in English Language Teaching

Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada, Bangkalan, Indonesia


Bambang Yudi Cahyono

English Department, Faculty of Letters

Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Utari Praba Astuti

English Department, Faculty of Letters

Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia





Technology has big roles in this 4.0 era. It can be applied effectively in the teaching and learning process. This article examines the effect of applying whiteboard animation in project-based learning (PjBL) on English as a Foreign Llanguage (EFL) students’ English presentation skills, investigates whether the English presentation skills of EFL students who were taught by using whiteboard animation in PjBL differ significantly across creativity levels, and finds out whether there is interaction or not between the use of whiteboard animation and the students’ creativity levels on their English presentation skills. Fifty Indonesian vocational high school students from two intact classrooms were involved and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups by quasi-experimental design and factorial research design. The quantitative data were gathered from both groups through pre-test and post-test. The analysis showed that students who were taught through whiteboard animation in PjBL significantly outperformed those who were trained by using conventional media. It was also found that students’ creativity levels (little-c and mini-c) did not affect their English presentation skills. Then, there was no interaction between whiteboard animation in PjBL and students’ creativity levels on their English presentation skills. The findings of the study are expected to be useful for other English teachers especially those who want to apply the same method of teaching in order to achieve the students' capacity for critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

Keywords: creativity levels (little-c & mini-c), EFL students, English presentation skills, project-based learning, whiteboard animation

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