Comic Education



By: Fatimatus Suhroh

If we look back at how education has changed since the first industrial revolution, we might better understand the challenges for students and teachers today.
In 1780, there was little to no expectation that children would have any education whatsoever. People learned a trade, typically with on the job apprentice training. Where it existed, education was a luxury for the rich. Later, when the second revolution occurred, the industry needed skilled workers, who needed to be literate in order to be valuable in the workforce. Suddenly,  education was needed. And this education system, founded on the needs of the second industrial revolution is in many ways still in place today.
Based on earlier life learning models, schools taught knowledge. Students came in with no knowledge, the teacher fed them information in specific subjects and at the end, the student was tested to evaluate if they remembered what they were taught. This fostered a rigid framework of study disciplines, education standards, and eventually standardized testing. A production line!
The introduction of the computer did not change the underlying ethos behind our education system. Instead, education professionals simply took advantage of the technology and replaced teachers with computers, enabling teaching, learning, and assessment to be handled by the machine. While long-distance learning and a vast amount of information is now accessible thanks to the Internet revolution, the structure of our education system has still been left unchallenged. Learning outcomes are still being tested by the criteria set out in the second industrial revolution. We are still treating educators and students like they are part of a production line.
In order for this to change, we must revisit the educational paradigms, and focus on the areas that need rethinking. In today’s new world of fast-changing technology and information overload, students need to be trained and not taught. Information needs to be made accessible and students need to learn how to find it rather than the teacher offering it to them in a rigid structure.
We now understand that students are not alike, do not have the same the starting point, can learn and absorb different areas of focus differently and need to be guided to develop their skills rather than taught a set of predefined data points. Education 4.0 needs to align with Industry 4.0 and prepare students for the next industrial revolution which will happen in their lifetime.
If you woke up today and felt like you didn’t recognize the world around you - or see your clear place in it - you were not alone. It feels to me like the world has just hit puberty, and there is a whole lot of confusion going on in our collective bodies that we don’t understand, and feel ill-equipped to interpret, much less control. Though much like puberty, we are going through a massive change of progress - we as a unified globe of 7.5 billion, are growing up; we’re getting stronger, faster, and smarter.


The single greatest driver of the shift in the education economy is the advent of the World Wide Web. With 2.5 billion people now having Google in their pockets, the historical benchmarks for success in industrial education like rote memorization, standardization, and regurgitation, are just simply, obsolete. With Google officially being indoctrinated as a verb in Webster and the myriad of cheeky links like “” becoming our auto-replies to simple data queries, our near appendage-like extension of ubiquitous technologies has led to an unprecedented wealth of information. 
Creativity isn’t always something that just happens. It can take quite a bit of work to nurture, grow, and develop creativity, even for those who are immersed in creative and dynamic fields.
For educators, it can be even more of a challenge to inspire creativity in students or embrace their own creativity while trying to juggle academic requirements, testing, and other issues in the classroom. It may be difficult but it’s certainly not impossible, and accomplishing it can help to create a classroom environment that’s more motivational, interesting, and educational for both you and your students.
So how do you get there? Here are some tips that can help you get creative in the classroom in a variety of ways.
One of the tools that can be used by teachers to get various knowledge discourses is by participating in an online training program organized by Seamolec. This training is carried out online through video conference with the Webex application.
This training named VCT or Virtual Coordinator Training held by SEAMOLEC is a training organized to prepare teachers in Webex-based distance learning. By participating in this training, the teacher will be guided so that they are ready to carry out distance learning, both as hosts, moderators, and presenters (presenters).
The teachers of the training participants will be assigned to host, moderator, and presenters twice. In addition, the teachers will also be guided on how to make flyers as a means of publicizing activities and how to record ongoing learning activities. The entire task will be collected at the final stage as a basis for issuing certificates. teachers who have passed the certificate are expected to be able to carry out distance learning activities by utilizing existing ICT facilities.
SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC) is one of the 26 Centres under the auspices of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) focusing in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Owing to various programs that become its core tasks, like; training, consultancies, research and development, and information dissemination, SEAMOLEC is assisting the SEAMEO Member Countries to find an alternative solution to enhance the quality of its people through Open and Distance Learning (ODL).
The goal of SEAMOLEC is to undertake relevant programs that are responsive to current national and regional needs through the utilization of open and distance learning system. In order to reach its vision and mission, and also to continually provide good services to the region, SEAMOLEC is very keen on establishing a stronger networking system through partnerships and synergizing with other related parties. Only with good network and partnership the Centre treasures to grow bigger in the future.
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and culture in the region.
As an organization that has continued to nurture human capacities and explored the peoples’ fullest potential, the SEAMEO maintains its work and aspirations for development with peoples of the region to make lives better in quality and equity in education, preventive health education, culture and tradition, information and communication technology, languages, poverty alleviation and agriculture and natural resources.
The organization's highest policy-making body is the SEAMEO Council, which comprises the 11 Southeast Asian education ministers. The SEAMEO Secretariat is located in Bangkok, Thailand.
Each participant must be able to design from the beginning of the activity to publication to social media. The following are training materials that must be mastered by each participant;

1. Make an attractive digital Flyer
2. The technique of creating a digital attendance list
3. Techniques to make a QR Code
4. Techniques for writing narrative activities
5. Make an online presentation
6. The technique of being a host, moderator, and presenter
7. Create and manage WebEx rooms
8. Record and upload training activities to youtube
Although there are some skills that must be mastered by the participants, this training activity does not feel time-consuming and even enjoyable. This is because the Virtual Coordinator Training (VCT) is conducted online and adjusts the schedule of each participant.

Participants can continue to participate in this activity wherever they are and at any time during their absence from the specified training time period.

This Virtual Coordinator Training (VCT) activity has entered Batch 4 and Batch 5. will be held soon. Every educator who meets the requirements as a participant can immediately register and prepare to take part in the Batch 5 Virtual Coordinator Training (VCT) training that will be held soon.

The following are the requirements of the participants;
- Have the willingness to learn and share
- Has No active Whatsapp
- Have a Laptop / Tablet / Android cellphone
- Have a stable internet network and access the internet
- Can operate a computer/laptop/ cellphone and browser software

Many of the training participants will benefit, including;
- Obtain an international certificate from SEAMEO equivalent to 39 JP
- Can share and add knowledge and new insights that can be transmitted to colleagues and students
- Have the experience of being a host, moderator, and presenter
- Able to create and manage WebEx rooms
- Can stay in touch with educators throughout East Java, even throughout Indonesia
- Get the opportunity to become the next VCT training instructor

The author's experience in the Virtual Batch 4 East Java 79.5 Training Coordinator Training (VCT) activity which was held from Saturday, May 18, 2019 to June 30, 2019. The following is the author's flyer when serving as Presenter, Moderator, and Host;


a.       Presentation 1 VCT Batch 4 Jatim 79.5_Friday_ 24 mei 2019_session 7

Title: Blended teaching using Google Classroom which Integrates to Google Docs
Presenter: Fatimatus Suhroh, S.S (SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan)
Moderator: Havidz Masnurillah, S.Pd,. Gr. (SMA AL-HIKMAH Surabaya)
Host : Ayu Palupi W, S.Pd (SMAN 11 Surabaya)

Blended teaching using Google Classroom which Integrates to Google Docs

b. Presentation 2 VCT Batch 4 Jatim 79.5_Saturday_ 25 mei 2019_session 6

Title: Performing Presentation Using Whiteboard Animation
Presenter: Fatimatus Suhroh, S.S (SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan)
Moderator: Yoyon Sugiono, S.Pd (SMPN 2 Jrengik Sampang)
Host: Ali Harsojo, M.Pd (SDN Pajagalan II Sumenep)

Performing Presentation Using Whiteboard Animation


a. Moderator 1 VCT Batch 4 Jatim 79.5_rabu 22 mei 2019_session 7

Title: Membuat Soal Onlie Digital Berbasis Aplikasi Google Form
Presenter: Nur Arifinza DW, S.Pd (SMPN 1 Pasean Pamekasan)
Moderator: Fatimatus Suhroh, S.S (SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan)
Host: Fifin Afiyah, S.Pd (SMKN 1 Jrengik Sampang)

               Membuat Soal Onlie Digital Berbasis Aplikasi Google Form

a.       Moderator 2 VCT Batch 4 Jatim 79.5_minggu 26 mei 2019_session 3

Title: Kecepatan Koneksi Internet
Presenter: Dr. Muhammad Anas, dr., Sp.OG (FK UMSurabaya)
Moderator: Fatimatus Suhroh, S.S (SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan)
Host: Ayu Palupi W, S.Pd (SMAN 11 Surabaya)

Kecepatan Koneksi Internet

a. Host 1 VCT Batch 4 Jatim 79.5_minggu 26 mei 2019_room 6.2_sesssion 1

Title: Tehnik Mencuci Tangan dengan Benar
Presenter: Firda Eka Indrawati, AMd (LKP PKBPI Surabaya)
Moderator: Dr. Muhammad Anas, dr., Sp.OG (FK UMSurabaya)
Host: Fatimatus Suhroh, S.S   (SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan)

Tehnik Mencuci Tangan dengan Benar

b.      Host 2 VCT Batch 4 Jatim 79.5_minggu 26 mei 2019_room 6.2_session 2

Title: Membuat Animasi Video Pembelajaran Menggunakan Easy Sketch
Presenter: Ida Safrida Sri Nurdiana, S.Si,. M.Pd (SMAN 1 Kalianget)
Moderator: Havidz Masnurillah, S.Pd,. Gr. (SMA AL-HIKMAH Surabaya)
Host: Fatimatus Suhroh, S.S   (SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan)

Menjadi Istri Sholehah Yang Dirindukan Surga

Such is the experience of the author while participating in Batch 4. Virtual Coordinator Training Training (VCT). A lot of knowledge was obtained from fellow educators in East Java with various educational backgrounds and different subjects. Changing assignments as a presenter shared knowledge with the participants who also came from educators.

The participants who acted as Moderators and Hosts were able to sharpen themselves in the communication and social aspects of their active role in the online seminar.

Educators who are positioned as participants are no less happy. This is because there is a lot of knowledge that they can find in these activities. The knowledge that will definitely be very useful in the process of teaching and learning activities of students in their respective schools.

Finally, the author apologizes if there is a mistake that is said or acted on. Thank you for all the hard work of the instructors who have shared their knowledge and also the implementing organization of the Batch 4 Virtual Coordinator Training (VCT). May Allah SWT reciprocate your kindness. Aamiin

* The author is an Educator in SMKS Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan

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